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Alen + Katrina

Its like I am going back in time and taking a trip down memory lane. The past two and a half years have been a lot. Personally they have been the saddest, happiest, fondest and stretching of my life. I have felt grief like I never believed was possible. I was living between countries and taking on new roles in my life that I never wanted but at the same time fell head over heels in love and into the best two roles of my life, wife and mummy. A LOT has happened behind the scenes but on the screens of my blog, social media and website it has been radio silence until this week. This week I have felt my creativity and excitement explode for my upcoming weddings and part of that has been because I have been looking back on some of my favourite wedding memories. Couples that make me smile and have given me so much joy in a time that was personally painful. Their lives have changed and grown and had added blessings, memories and babies since their special day took place and seeing this brings such a smile to my face. So enough of having these weddings on my hard drive I am here to share the goodness with you!

This is Katrina + Alen!

They are beautiful, creative, a ton of fun and seriously gorgeous inside and out. Their day was a delight and I hope you enjoy!




Nick + Nicola

Glen Ewin is such a wonderful venue to shoot at. What makes it truly magical is the love that shines bright there. One that beamed brightest for me was Nicola + Nick’s beautiful wedding.


Ruby + Nick

Its a cold wintery morning and I am sitting in one of my favourite cafes, eating smoothie bowls, sipping tea and thinking life is good. My mood is filled with smiles, heartwarming notes and it keeps wandering to all the beautiful moments I have shared recently with my amazing couples. I should be doing admin work but that just isn’t as fun. So while sitting at a rustic wood table and smiling away I couldn’t help but push the admin aside and share with you a wonderful little wedding filled with rustic notes, simplistic beauty and one of the most electric smiles from our beautiful bride Ruby.

Nick and Ruby’s day was awash with friends, family and fun. Not even the rain or a few wayward animals could dampen the mood to what was a truly great wedding at Barristers Block in the Adelaide Hills.

Hope you enjoy this gorgeous little wedding.


Yes I am still here and have not falling off the face of the internet… A confession of a photographer

I have been very absent from blogging this year… Well very absent is stretching it. I think I have maybe published something once so pretty much non existent blogging. Some of you may have missed my pretty images and my ramblings some of you were probably happy that the extremely bad grammar often found here wasn’t hurting your eyes over the past months. And to all my couples whose weddings I have not shared on here yet I say sorry.

I truly am.

Truth is this year has been tough, wonderful, crazy, a lot of change, a lot of tears, a lot of doctors visits and a lot of work. Its been a roller coaster and the optimist I am has chosen to take the positives from it but its been a lot and I had to let something slip and this was it.

Professionally my number one priority this year has been for me to be present and fully focused on my couples wedding days or when I get to spent time with your families. To give all of myself to capture the beautifully special images I get the honour of capturing. I don’t take what I do lightly. Its a gift… A True gift.

My second priority was  crafting and editing these images and getting them to you to enjoy. But if I am being honest that’s taken a mighty effort just to do that and a lot of other things like blogging have not been prioritized or able to fit into the 70 hour plus work weeks I was doing.

Aside from work I have had a hectic year, I build a house and have moved in and am now making that a home, I had the privilage of spending time with and caring for my grandpa in his last months, I have grieved for the sweetest man I ever knew, I have traveled to Europe for work and gazed at some of the most beautiful works of arts, I have made new friends and tried my hardest to connect with old ones. At times I have felt pulled in a gazillion directions and at times felt directionless, I have experienced big change good and not so good, I have dealt with neurological issues that have meant a shift in how I run my business and my life and am trying to find balance and a new normal in it all. In the past few weeks have had enough energy, strength and room in my mind to start dreaming again about the future of me, my camera and this crazy thing we call life. It has been a (insert adjective that means change oriented, refining, hard, adventurous, love filled and eventful) year but I would not change it.

Processed with VSCOcam with c3 preset

This year I have loved, I have come to a new level of appreciation for my loved ones (and there are lots of you), for loving others and for living every moment with kindness and joy. I have been refined and I am better for it.

So as well as my apology I say thank you. Thank you for your patience with me when I told you I couldn’t edit for two months, thank you for giving me space to grieve, thank you to all my clients and friends who knew I was juggling a lot and took one less ball out of my hands or came alongside me and helped me through chatting, second shooting, unpacking my home, going for walks, watching the Bachelorette, praying for me, drinking tea, making my travels a dream come true and helping me keep the balls in the air. Whether you knew it or not you were refreshment to my soul.

Thank you to all my clients for bringing me good times and letting me share your most special and sacred moments and letting me dance it out on the dance floor. I appreciate them more than ever!!!!

I cant emphasize enough how brilliant you all are….. Truly my clients are some of the best people you will ever meet… The Best!!!  In sharing your special days I have had the time of my life just like this guy did when when he had his Patrick Swayze moment at a recent wedding…  (You are all welcome 🙂

To my second shooters Jess H & Lochie you have been over the top fantastic and supportive and have helped me at every turn as well as Amelia and Jess K who have always been available and willing to help. I can’t thank you all enough. Like seriously can’t thank you all enough!!!!!

The changes I have made in recent months have been so I can focus on my love of shooting and capturing your images. This has meant I teamed up with the talented people to help me edit these images get them to you faster and looking ah-mazing!!!

So keep posted as hopefully it wont be as long between drinks and you will see some beautiful wedding lighting up your screens in the near future.

Carly xoxo



Amanda + Adam

At the end of June I left cold wintery Adelaide and hopped on a plane to the gorgeous little Island of Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. It was the destination Adam and Amanda had chosen for there intimate wedding with family and friends and I couldn’t have been more thrilled to have been invited to take this journey as their wedding photographer. This was the complete melding of three of my greatest loves; travel, photography and weddings.

I got to explore this friendly and truly beautiful island for a few days while scouting out locations to take some photos and even found some fun ways of doing it such as kayaking, taking the local bus, beautiful walks, driving around and around in circles, literally there is only one circular road around the island, and my favourite paddle boarding with the local island dog as guides. I totally fell in love with this piece of paradise and knew Amanda and Adam had chosen the perfect place for their wedding.

The big day was truly perfect. The sun shone, everyone was enjoying the moment and Amanda looked truly breath taking. After these two said there I Do’s on the stunning coral beach we found some gorgeous little spots to show off the beauty of this Island and the very good looking bridal party. From little ruins to Muri Beach to the lily gardens in the beachcomber villas I had the luxury of staying in everything worked perfectly and I was like a giddy little school girl with all this beauty to photograph.

The night was just as perfect with a local island feast, dancing and a lot of love


If the wedding day goodness was not a few days after we did a bridal shoot of the couple at sunset with the glorious black rock as our setting. The sunset painted across the sky couldn’t get any more beautiful. The couple shone with love and even Lucas Mandy’s son joined in the fun. I hope you enjoy this little gem of a wedding all the way from the stunning Rarotonga.


ready to work together?

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